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Dynamikode USB Security Suite is the ultimate toolset to enhance and secure users’ experience when using any type of USB disks and drives. USB disks (e.g. pen drives, external hard disks, memory card readers, etc.) are extremely popular nowadays. But, in the meantime, they can expose home and office PCs to certain risks such as computer viruses, unauthorized data duplication and so on. Our all-in-one software helps everybody disable USB ports, ...
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  • Platforms: Windows

  • License: Shareware
  • Cost: $19.95 USD
  • Size: 2.7 MB
Download: Dynamikode Usb Security Suite

DisplayLink USB devices are the easiest way to add an additional monitor to your Mac. This driver, with the relevant DisplayLink-powered hardware, will allow any Intel-based Mac - even a Mac Mini or MacBook Air - to connect up to 4 monitors over USB. This driver also supports the USB video of our customers' USB docking station products. DisplayLink USB Graphics Driver provides you with a cost-effective and easy way to connect your display ...
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  • License: Freeware
  • Cost: $0.00 USD
  • Size: 16.9 MB

That means fast and automatic tape backup to: TRAVAN, SLR, MLR, QIC, LTO, AIT, DLT, DAT or DDS tape drives with SCSI, IDE or USBport. The program features an easy-to-use interface and can also be controlled via command-line parameters. This allows for integration of Z-DATdump into other applications or batch scripts, and enables scheduled backups using the windows built-in task scheduler or Z-Cron, with which you can also control all other tasks ...
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  • License: Freeware
  • Cost: $0.00 USD
  • Size: 5.6 MB

Spark Loader is a boot loader for AVR microcontrollers, it is used for programming flash and EEPROM using a serial link (USB to Serial converters can be used) between your computer and the microcontroller through any free COM (or USB) port. Spark Loader consists of two parts: 1. On - chip boot loader: A hex file that resides at the boot section of the flash memory. 2. Windows application : It has the responsibility of transmitting flash and EEPROM ...
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  • License: Freeware
  • Cost: $0.00 USD
  • Size: 12.2 MB

COM Port Splitter establishes serial connection and implements data transmission between COM-ports and applications, or any kind of serial port devices.When Splitter is used to split only real ports and connects them to other physical serial ports, no virtual ports are created. Virtual serial ports are based on a technology by Eltima and are used to connect several applications to the same COM-port. Splitter creates several virtual copies of a COM-port.
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  • License: Shareware
  • Cost: $99.95 USD
  • Size: 2.3 MB

Windows network USB storage drive data monitoring software prevent your local area network (LAN) from unauthorized access of pen drive, thumb drive or other similar removable storage media in real time. Surveillance utility alerts user by playing sound when USB storage media is being plug-in or plug-out in any computer system within domain and record connect / removal date, time with device manufactures name, unique hardware id and capacity. This ...
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  • License: Shareware
  • Cost: $79.00 USD
  • Size: 2.8 MB

DeltaCrypt DUSK USB Key Encryption Solution lets people secure their mobile data with simple Drag'n Drop Encryption. No Software on Host PC needed, Corporate USB Key Encryption Solution, User Account. DeltaCrypt Software : Public Key File, Email Encryption featuring 1024-bit RSA protection, unalterable public keys to keep files of any format and email communications secured, Laptop protection, It offers the basic encryption functionalities. ...
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  • License: Freeware
  • Cost: $0.00 USD
  • Size: 1.2 MB
Download: Public Key File Encryption Software for USB Key and PC (Corporate and Home Editi
USB drive monitoring software is a surveillance tool to monitor multiple USB device activities in real time working in any windows platforms. USB mass media surveillance application support all USB storage media like pen drive, thumb drive, USB MP3 / MP4 player, memory stick, smart media, USB flash camera and other similar device with all type and capacity of memory card. Software facilitate administrator to change access permission (read or write) ...
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Leica 407 Total Station Manual Full Version free. software download Full

  • License: Shareware
  • Cost: $120.00 USD
  • Size: 2.8 MB

USB drive disabler tool examines multiple computer system at one time even when the network cable is unplugged or the connection is broken. Pen drive data theft protection application provides detail information about all USBport connecting devices including pen drive, memory card, thumb drive, MP3 Player, USB Mass Storage, Flash Card, Memory Stick, iPods, MP4 Media Players etc. USB drive disabler utility observes received and transferred data from ...
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  • License: Shareware
  • Cost: $120.00 USD
  • Size: 2.8 MB

This unique Port Locker software helps to safeguard important data or information of users from illegal or unethical activities. This software is attached with unique features along with latest technology. The software restricts data transfer from various external storage devices such as IEEE 1394, DVD/CD Writers, Printer, Ethernet Ports USB drive, PCMCIA Port and Bluetooth ports. It offers feature for Blocking the Print Screen. The data protecting ...
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  • License: Shareware
  • Cost: $30.00 USD
  • Size: 4.4 MB

A Host Side USB Analyzer SourceUSB is a software-only USB analysis tool. It is installed on a Windows operating system as a kernel-mode driver and user-mode application. The analyzer driver coexists with the Windows USBdriver stack. Since USB is a host driven bus, viewing USB activity from the host perspective is a valuable complement to viewing USB transactions on the bus with a hardware analyzer. Easy Installation and Setup SourceUSB installs ...
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  • License: Shareware
  • Cost: $595.00 USD
  • Size: 10.6 MB

Port locker is an essential data security tool, which detects and prevents data leakage by selectively blocking specific ports on your PC. It is breakthrough data leakage prevention utility which prohibits important user data from leaving a computer system, thereby maintaining information confidentiality. The tool enables a user to have complete control over all kinds of information exchange through his computer or over a network. This comprehensive ...
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  • License: Demo
  • Cost: $30.00 USD
  • Size: 4.3 MB

FlexiHub is a versatile software solution that allows you to access and manage USB and COM port devices remotely over Ethernet. It functions as a control panel for numerous USB and COM port ports and devices connected to the computers in the network. With FlexiHub you can use any device in real time -- no matter if it is located in the next room, at home while you are at the office, or even overseas. Different computers with your USB and serial port ...
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  • License: Freeware
  • Cost: $0.00 USD
  • Size: 7.1 MB

In order to use biometric devices in your application, you need driver for your scanners. Fingerprint scanner driver allows biometric devices to communicate with your computer. Software developers can use this driver in their application along with a fingerprint SDK (software development kit). These scanners support various third party fingerprint software applications. The driver needs to be manually installed on your computer. Biometric dev ...
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  • License: Freeware
  • Cost: $0.00 USD
  • Size: 51.8 MB

Virtual Serial Port Kit creates pairs of virtual serial ports in your system which are virtually connected to each other. Physical null modem cables are not required. You can connect any number of virtual port pairs. Virtual serial port pairs will look and work exactly like real hardware serial ports connected via null modem cables.Virtual Serial Port Kit is designed for software developer to speed up development process during debugging and>More InfoDownload
  • License: Shareware
  • Cost: $149.95 USD
  • Size: 1.4 MB

Virtual Serial Port ActiveX Control is a powerful tool for professional developers that allows your application to create custom additional virtual serial port in system and fully control it. Created virtual serial port looks like real serial port for other Windows applications. From your application you can control data sent to virtual serial port by other applications and respond to them by sending own data to virtual serial port.
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  • License: Shareware
  • Cost: $180.00 USD
  • Size: 1.6 KB

You can use it also with USB and Bloototh devices, because these devices usually have a driver that redirects the input from the USBport to a virtual serial port. With this component you will be able to develop robust GPS Delphi or CBuilder applications. Be one of the hundred developers who use this powerful solution. ZylCustomGPSReceiver is a custom Delphi / C++Builder component, which is designed to be the base class of any kind of ...
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  • License: Demo
  • Cost: $129.99 USD
  • Size: 1.7 MB

USB Monitor Pro is an effective and, at the same time, simple in use analyzer of USB traffic for Windows. It allows to monitor incoming and outgoing data of a USB device plugged into the computer. Main program Features are : - Monitoring of data between USB device driver and the Host Controller Driver - Comparison of packets before and after processing by the Host Controller Driver - Detailed information for each captured event USB ...
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  • License: Shareware
  • Cost: $199.00 USD
  • Size: 6.4 MB

Eltima Virtual Serial Port ActiveX Control is a powerful tool for professional developers that allows your application to create custom additional virtual serial port in system and fully control it. You can view parameters information of a virtual serial port, set by other application. From your application you can view and control data sent to virtual serial port by other applications and respond to them by sending your own serial data to virtual ...
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  • License: Shareware
  • Cost: $279.95 USD
  • Size: 1.6 MB

Serial Port Redirector is used to connect a serial application to a remote TCP socket. This allows you to utilize modern hardware COM servers without changing your software or exchange data between a TCP/IP application and an old-fashioned program that can only connect to a serial port. Serial Port Redirector creates a two-way bridge between a serial application and a specific TCP port at a specified IP address. This is done by creating virtual ...
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  • License: Shareware
  • Cost: $99.00 USD
  • Size: 5.3 MB

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