Monte Carlo Simulation For Mac

  1. Monte Carlo Simulation For Mac Software
  2. Monte Carlo Simulation Macroeconomics
  3. Monte Carlo Simulation Software For Mac
  4. Monte Carlo Simulation Excel
  5. Monte Carlo Simulation For Mac Excel
  6. Monte Carlo Simulation For Dummies
  7. Monte Carlo Simulation For Machine Learning

The XLSTAT-Monte Carlo Simulations module for XLSTAT allows you to create models with assessed risk in Microsoft Excel and uses simulation methods such as Monte Carlo and Latin Hypercubes simulations to estimate the distribution (including confidence intervals) of important variables.

In this video we demonstrate the basics of the Oracle Crystal Ball Excel plug-in. Crystal Ball is a helpful tool to create probabilistic models in Excel. In this video we demonstrate the basics of the Oracle Crystal Ball Excel plug-in. Crystal Ball is a helpful tool to create probabilistic models in Excel.

XLSTAT-Monte Carlo Simulations module is a key decision making tool for people working on statistical risk analysis of models which may contain uncertain values. These uncertainties can be expressed through more than 30 distributions.

For example, in a financial model for establishing a budget, the sales volume of a product is not certain, but we can estimate that it should be between two bounds, A and B, with a most likely value M. This can be statistically represented by a triangular distribution. The total revenue for all products is a sum of triangular distributions. XLSTAT-Sim can produce in mere seconds, an estimated distribution of the revenue, its median, average and a 95% confidence interval.


Note on XLSTAT-Monte Carlo Simulations: The Sim module runs under all Windows versions of Excel, but not on the Mac.

Demo version

A trial version of XLSTAT-Monte Carlo Simulations is included in the main XLSTAT download.

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Prices and ordering

These analyses are included in the XLStat-Forecast, XLSTAT-Marketing, XLSTAT-Quality and XLStat-Premium packages.

The simulation methods available in XLSTAT-Monte Carlo Simulations are Monte Carlo and Latin Hypercubes.

Simulation models

Simulation models allow to obtain information, such as mean or median, on variables that do not have an exact value, but for which we can know, assume or compute a distribution. If some 'result' variables depend of these 'distributed' variables by the way of known or assumed formulae, then the 'result' variables will also have a distribution. XLSTAT-Monte Carlo Simulations allows you to define the distributions, and then obtain through simulations an empirical distribution of the input and output variables as well as the corresponding statistics.

Monte Carlo Simulation For Mac Software

Simulation models are used in many areas such as finance and insurance, medicine, oil and gas prospecting, accounting, or sales prediction.

Four elements are involved in the construction of a simulation model:

  • Distributions are associated to random variables. XLSTAT gives a choice of more than 20 distributions to describe the uncertainty on the values that a variable can take. For example, you can choose a triangular distribution if you have a quantity for which you know it can vary between two bounds, but with a value that is more likely (a mode). At each iteration of the computation of the simulation model, a random draw is performed in each distribution that has been defined.
  • Scenario variables allow to include in the simulation model a quantity that is fixed in the model, except during the tornado analysis where it can vary between two bounds.
  • Result variables correspond to outputs of the model. They depend either directly or indirectly, through one or more Excel formulae, on the random variables to which distributions have been associated and if available on the scenario variables. The goal of computing the simulation model is to obtain the distribution of the result variables.
  • Statistics allow to track a given statistic a result variable. For example, we might want to monitor the standard deviation of a result variable.

A correct model should comprise at least one distribution and one result. Models can contain any number of these four elements.

Options for simulation models

A model can be limited to a single Excel sheet or can use a whole Excel folder.

Simulation models can take into account the dependencies between the input variables described by distributions. If you know that two variables are usually related such that the correlation coefficient between them is 0.4, then you want that, when you do simulations, the sampled values for both variables have the same property. This is possible in XLSTAT-Monte Carlo Simulations.

We have been tutoring CFA, CPA and MBA students in simulation or more specifically, in “Monte Carlo Simulation” since 2007. We tutored students in Monte Carlo simulation using Oracle’s Crystal Ball and Palaside’s @Risk simulation software. We recently stumbled upon Dr. Sam Savage’s work in this area when a student requested tutoring in Monte Carlo simulation using XLSim. We had not used the XLSim add-in before and have tutored hundreds of students in Monte Carlo simulation using Oracle’s Crystal Ball and Palaside’s @Risk expensive simulation software. As we started doing more research into XLsim, we discovered that although the student version is supported on Mac and PC through Excel 2013, Dr. Savage has now developed a new approach to simulation, called SIPmath, which first, runs in native Excel without macros or add-ins, and second, will perform tens of thousands of trials before your finger leaves the <Enter> key. That is, unlike Crystal Ball and @RISK, this is fully interactive simulation. The open SIPmath™ standard developed by Dr. Savage’s non-profit,, refers to computations done with SIPs or Stochastic Information Packets which is an uncertainty modeled as an array of possible outcomes. What we found when we did more research into SIPmath delighted us on many fronts.

Monte Carlo Simulation Macroeconomics

  • First, the SIPmath tools are free to all who register at The video at the top of the tools page provides a good overview of capabilities.
  • Second, SIPmath allows users of Oracle’s Crystal Ball and Palaside’s @Risk to create SIP libraries to be used in interactive simulations by native Excel. This allows statistical experts using these high end tools, to distribute interactive models to a wide audience.
  • Third, although the tools describe above are all in the Excel environment, the SIPmath concept is platform agnostic, and supports XLSX, CSV and XML file formats.

The basic concept is this. Uncertainties are represented as thousands of possible outcomes. For example, the SIP representing the roll of a die consists of thousands of simulated rolls stored in Excel or a database. The associated metadata would include the number of rolls and the name of the person who rolled the die. “SIPs are an ideal means for modeling and conveying uncertainty in a standardized fashion,” said Eric Wainwright, Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer of Oracle’s Crystal Ball simulation package. “The standard will play an increasing role in the way organizations manage uncertainty through their informational and predictive systems.” Three wonderful aspects of SIPs are that:

  • SIPs are actionable in that they may be used as inputs to interactive simulations in Excel.
  • SIPs are additive, in that the results of multiple simulations run on different platforms may be aggregated.
  • SIPs are auditable, because the trials are simply data with associated meta data and provenance.

Monte Carlo Simulation Software For Mac

Native Excel can instantly run thousands of SIPs through a model before the user’s finger leaves the Enter key using the Data Table function. The SIPmath Modeler Tools facilitate the creation of such models but are not required to run them, making them sort of a goose that lays golden eggs. offers another tool, called SIPmaker, which uses the XLSim simulation engine to automatically generate SIPs for those without Crystal Ball. SIPmaker will also create SIPs from any existing XLSim model.

For users of Crystal Ball and @RISK, the non-profit provides macros that create the libraries for use in SIPmath models.’s operation research and decision modeling tutors can assist you with tutoring for Monte Carlo simulation using XLSim and SIPmath.


Dr. Sam Savage

SIPmath development was led by Dr. Sam Savage. He is on a mission to cure the ‘flaw of averages’. And SIPmath is a byproduct of his mission. The ‘average’ is probably the most used statistical property in the world. Averages are used by laymen, academics and professionals in almost every setting. It is used in domestic budgeting, academic research, and professional settings in financial and operating models in the corporate world. However, it is also probably the most misused statistical property. The misuse of the average property is probably costing humanity millions or billions of dollars as a result of poor decision making! Dr. Sam Savage outlines in detail a variety of flawed applications of averages in his book “The Flaw of Averages” (published by Wiley in 2012). His mission and book have produced some classic lines that reinforce his ideas pithily including probably his most famous line:

“Plans based on average assumptions are wrong on average.”

SIPmath is a result of many breakthroughs – William Sharpe, the economics Nobel laureate started doing simulation with Data tables in Lotus 1,2,3. Dr. Savage experimented with simulations using Microsoft Excel since the 1990s. In the 2000 edition of his text book, Dr. Savage had an exercise to build a Monte Carlo simulation using Microsoft Excel’s data tables. However, at that point in time, Microsoft Excel would crash. Over time, computing power increased and Microsoft Excel got serious capacity and it was in 2012 that Dr. Savage realized that he could effectively build a Monte Carlo simulation tool based on Microsoft Excel. Dr. Savage said

Monte Carlo Simulation Excel

“None of my successes have been planned. None of my plans have been successes.”

His mission to spread the understanding of uncertainty and cure the flaw of averages, is definitely one that we hope will be a success as it will help humanity in multiple ways by simply avoiding poor thinking in fields as diverse as finance, operations, medicine, etc. Its impact may even be as significant as eradicating polio! We at will be happy to assist students learning Monte Carlo Simulation using SIPmath.

Monte Carlo Simulation For Mac Excel

Dr. Savage is a consulting professor at Stanford’s Management Science and Engineering department. He has in the past taught Management Science at the University of Chicago’s Graduate School of Business and been a visiting professor at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School and the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterrey. Dr. Savage did his Ph.D. in the field of computer science, from Yale University in 1973.

Monte Carlo Simulation For Dummies

In addition to his book “The Flaw of Averages”, Dr. Savage has also authored Decision Making with Insight and Insight.xla which Harry Markowitz, a Nobel Laureate in Economics, calls “a must read”. He is also a published author in the Harvard Business Review, Journal of Portfolio Management, ORMS Today, etc.

Monte Carlo Simulation For Machine Learning

Dr. Sam Savage is founder and president of AnalyCorp Inc., a firm that develops executive education programs and software for improving business analysis. He is also the Executive Director of Probability Management, a 501(c)(3) non profit that promotes the understanding of uncertainty and counters the flawed use of averages.